Study In Contrasts – Ye Cannot Serve God And Mammon

Study In Contrasts – Ye Cannot Serve God And Mammon

Sam Houston Park sits at the edge of, you guessed it, downtown Houston. It contains 10 buildings representing the buildings and culture of Houston’s past. One of these is St. John Church. Built in 1891 in northwest Harris County it was relocated to Sam Houston Park in 1968 and has become a Houston landmark. I…

Dad At 93

Dad At 93

My dad, James E. Schaffner, Sr., passed away at age 100 last August. I came across a photo of dad at 93 the other day that is one of my favorites. So, I thought sharing this photo and a little about him would be a good way to honor his memory. Dad died of old…

Smith Street

Smith Street

Smith Street is home to iconic Houston architecture. These two glass and steel towers have become landmarks with their reflections of the Houston skyline. Although similar in design they each have their unique characteristics. These buildings are now the home for Chevron Corporation’s Houston operations. But it was the former tenant that brought these building…

Eliminate Halos – They Belong On Saints, Not In Photos

Eliminate Halos – They Belong On Saints, Not In Photos

A halo was originally defined as a bright circle around the head of a person that signifies holiness. That’s great for saints but not for photos. Assuming you haven’t photographed a saint, halos are “unholy” in photos. They’re flaws. They don’t belong and we need to eliminate halos from our photos. Halos appear as a…