Getting the most out of your camera

6 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Camera

Getting the most out of your camera is something that everyone with a DSLR or mirrorless camera strives for. These cameras are technological marvels. They can do amazing things. However, they do have limitations. The trick is to learn to fully utilize your camera’s full dynamic range and get as much detail at the extremes…

Structured Flow

Structured Flow And The Value Of Critique

My photo, Structured Flow is a result of mining the recent archives for photos where I didn’t initially see their potential and came across this photo from Prague. It’s an architectural abstract of a modern building in Wenceslas Square. I really like hos the architectural accents create a beautiful flow to the design. I had…

TNE BNW Bistro

My New Job

I’ve got a new job!  I’m going to be a Barista! Pretty exciting isn’t it? No, I’m not serving coffee at one of those fancy-schmanzy over-priced coffee places. Instead, I’ll be serving up great BNW architectural photos starting the week of February 24th at The BNW Bistro on Vero. The BNW Bistro, The Espresso of…