Artificial Intelligence – Right or Wrong in Photography?

Artificial Intelligence – Right or Wrong in Photography?

Using artificial intelligence (AI) in producing art has been in news recently. This is because an AI-generated artwork won first place in a contest at the Colorado State Fair. As a result, there was a great hue and cry about the results. Most of it was of the nature of, that’s not fair, or that’s…

Secondary Subjects – Complementary or Distracting?

Secondary Subjects – Complementary or Distracting?

Many images have more than one subject. Whether or not this is a good thing depends on whether the secondary subjects complements the primary subject or is a distraction to the primary. The subject(s) of a photo are those parts that are waving their arms and screaming, “Look at me! Look at me!” The most…

Social Media Impacts Your Reputation As A Photographer

Social Media Impacts Your Reputation As A Photographer

Your sharing habits in social media impacts your reputation as a photographer; how people regard you as a photographer. Most of us aren’t posting only true photography art when posting to social media. Usually, it’s sharing simple photos of family, everyday life or interesting sights and occasionally we try to post true photography art too….

Eliminate Halos – They Belong On Saints, Not In Photos

Eliminate Halos – They Belong On Saints, Not In Photos

A halo was originally defined as a bright circle around the head of a person that signifies holiness. That’s great for saints but not for photos. Assuming you haven’t photographed a saint, halos are “unholy” in photos. They’re flaws. They don’t belong and we need to eliminate halos from our photos. Halos appear as a…

How To Make Custom Brushes For A Dispersion Effect

How To Make Custom Brushes For A Dispersion Effect

I had this crazy idea (yeah, I get those a lot) to create a photo dealing with personal data breaches. I had seen a number of photos with dispersion or explosion effects and wanted to incorporate that in my photo. This photo involved a variety of different aspects including: layers and layer masking, greenscreen, Photoshop…