Getting the most out of your camera

6 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Camera

Getting the most out of your camera is something that everyone with a DSLR or mirrorless camera strives for. These cameras are technological marvels. They can do amazing things. However, they do have limitations. The trick is to learn to fully utilize your camera’s full dynamic range and get as much detail at the extremes…

iso strategy

How ISO Affects Noise In YOUR Camera

Most photographers don’t fully understand how ISO affects noise in their camera. That’s because most of us have been taught that we don’t really need to think that much about it. Specifically, we’ve all been taught that noise increases as you increase sensor sensitivity (or ISO) setting. The chart to the right, illustrates this perception….

price watch

Price Watch – Don’t Overpay For Your Camera Gear

Let’s face it; camera gear is expensive. We all save up for that special piece of gear we wanted until we finally go ahead and make the buy. Then we start wondering, “Did I get the best deal? Did I overpay?” Fortunately, price watch (PW) sites can help us get the best deal and save…


The Strange Mis-Branding Of Mirrorless Cameras

I recently wrote about how I made my decision on whether or not to switch to a mirrorless camera. While writing the article I was struck by the strange mis-branding of mirrorless cameras. I find it very strange that the manufacturers market the camera using the term “mirrorless” as the defining nomenclature. They’ve chosen to…