TNE BNW Bistro

My New Job

I’ve got a new job!  I’m going to be a Barista! Pretty exciting isn’t it? No, I’m not serving coffee at one of those fancy-schmanzy over-priced coffee places. Instead, I’ll be serving up great BNW architectural photos starting the week of February 24th at The BNW Bistro on Vero. The BNW Bistro, The Espresso of…

Savoy School

2024 Annual Photo Contest – The Woodlands Photography Club

This past Saturday, November 9th, The Woodlands Photography Club, announced the winners in the 2024 Annual Photo Contest and Exhibition. I was fortunate enough to have 6 winning photographs. I’m honored and grateful to all involved. I’d especially like to thank the photo contest judges: Tara Flannery, Derrick Birdsall, Teri Whittaker and Karen Butts.  I…

what's going on

What’s Going On?

There hasn’t been a lot of activity on my blog recently so you might wonder, “What’s going on?” Therefore, I thought I’d post a status update. Since January, I’ve been dealing with 2 issues that have kept me from doing photography and blog writing. The First Issue The first issue is health related. No worries…

A New Look

A New Look

Getting a new look can be a reinvigorating experience. This is true whether it is a new hairstyle, a new wardrobe, or in this case, a new website design. It’s been about two and a half years since I started this blog so I thought it would be a good time to shake things up….

hydes mill

Best Opinion Article

I just learned that my blog article “Character Matters” that was reprinted (with permission) in the Stony Brook Camera Club’s Reflections Newsletter was selected as Best Opinion Article in the 2022 Photographic Society of America Camera Club Newsletter Competition (Large Club category). Thank you to Stony Brook Camera Club (SBCC) and the Photographic Society of…

what's going on


Welcome to my blog! In this blog I hope to talk about some of my photos. Why I did what I did and my thought process while taking and processing the image. Along the way I’ll discuss photography techniques and processes, do some gear reviews, make some recommendations on a variety of topics and talk…