If you are wondering about me, I’ll start by saying that photography has been a passion of mine for close to 50 years and my goal is to make photos for another 50 years. I hope that you like my photos; but it’s okay if you don’t; my goal is to never bore you.
Although I probably have a style of photography, I don’t know what it is as I haven’t deliberately tried to develop a “style“. Blessed (or maybe it’s cursed) with a low boredom threshold I don’t like to be constrained to follow a “style” even if it is of my own doing. You’ll find I like most types and genres of photography. However, I will admit to a preference for black and white images as I find them more expressive but not to the exclusion of color images. My favorite types of photography are architectural, landscapes and street photography but I also like to dabble in other types.
I edit my images to convey to the viewer the spirit of what I saw and felt about the scene rather than trying to document the scene journalistically. Although I may not always succeed, I strive for a artistic photo rather than a documentary one. All of the images were made and processed by me unless I specifically indicate otherwise. Likewise, all of my images are copyrighted, all rights reserved.
Although I don’t take myself seriously, I do take my photography seriously and try to make every photo great if I possibly can. My belief is that the small details are crucial in creating a great photo. For me, the difference between a great photo and a merely good photo is in the details. It’s doing all the little things right. It’s putting in the extra effort rather than settling for “good enough”. I challenge myself to make sure I do everything I’m capable of to create a great photo. I don’t always succeed but am constantly trying to improve.
I’m an engineer and as you would expect I do enjoy the technical side of photography. However, it is the creative and artistic aspect that I love about photography. That is what excites me. Without the creativity and art in photography it is purely a mathematical exercise. And no one really likes math all that much.
In July, 2024 I was a Guest Artist at the BNW Bistro so on the social media platform, Vero. For the behind the scenes details and to see the video see the blog post.
My Background In Photography
My formal training in photography is minimal. I attended a 2-day Nikon School of Photography way back in the ’80s which taught me the fundamentals. A few years ago, I took a 3-day workshop on architectural photography, a type I particularly like. Between and since those two workshops it’s all been learning through observation, asking questions, and trial and error, and error and error…
I’m active in 2 photography clubs: The Woodlands Photography Club (The Woodlands, TX) and the Stony Brook Camera Club (Franklin, MA). I’ve done a number of workshops and presentation for both clubs. Photography clubs are a fantastic resource and learning opportunity. Join a club if you can. I am also a Senior Critic on 1X.com.
I’m active on social media platforms Glass and Vero. On Vero I volunteer for the group The BNW Bistro as a “Barista”. In my role as a Barista, I’ll be selecting architectural photos to be featured using the hashtag #BistroBuildings.
If you really want to know what gear I use check out the My Gear page. I’ve also added a list of the various recognitions that my photography and blog has received on the Recognitions page.
Now that you know all about me please stick around and enjoy the blog. Please feel free to comment and share. I’d love to hear your thoughts. If you have any questions, check out my Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) or Contact Me. I wish you good light!
Update Log
Updated: February 20, 2025 – added information on my use of social media.
Updated: February 2, 2025 – Updated information about my photography club activities.
Updated: July 16, 2024 – Added details about being a Guest Artist on the BNW Bistro Show.
Updated: January 12, 2024 – Update info about how long I’ve been doing photography (dang, I’m getting old). I also added what my favorite types of photography are.
Updated: February 15, 2023 – Added links to the My Gear and Recognitions pages.
Updated: August 10, 2022 – Updated information on the camera clubs I participate in.
Updated: April 4, 2022 – Removed the disclosure concerning earning from qualifying purchases from advertising links such as Amazon, Google Adsense. As of April 4, 2022 I know longer participate in neither Amazon’s nor Google’s ad programs (nor anyone else’s too).