A Visit From St. Clickolas – 2023
Well, it’s that time of the year again. The time you’ve spent the past year dreading and hoping against hope it wouldn’t happen again. Alas, it has. That’s right, it’s time for the 2023 version of A Visit From St. Clickolas. As always, with my sincerest apologies to Clement Clarke Moore and you, I have updated the poem.
A Visit From St. Clickolas -2023
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house; The only sound you heard, was the click of my mouse, RAW files were cataloged in Lightroom with care; In hopes that I could find them sometime, somewhere. Mamma and I were settling down for a rest; And yes we're still debating if Canon or Nikon is really the best, When through the window I heard such a noise; I had to reduce it because you know it annoys: The noise was so loud it instantly awoke us; I put on my glasses to let my eyes auto-focus Away to the window I flew in a dash; Knowing full well, Windows is likely to crash, Using auto-ISO on the new-fallen snow; Gave a lustre of midday to objects below, When what on my camera monitor did appear, But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny rein-deer, With a little old driver so lively and quick, I knew in a moment he must be St. Click. He flies long distances and all at night; But he sees his way with his trusty Speedlite, More rapid than burst mode his coursers they came, And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name: “Now, Adams! now, Lange! now Maier and Leibovitz! On, Capa! on, Karsh! on, Daguerre and Stieglitz! To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall! Now flash away! flash away! flash away all!” Down through the chimney he came with a plop; Only fitting ‘cuz his belly he did crop.

The latest rage in photography seems to be AI; But after giving it thought, I have to ask why? AI takes us down a slope that is slippery; For what is photography without the misery? For sure AI is easy and that’s a big plus; But if we’re not careful it will replace all of us. AI is progressing and it just won’t stop; Sadly, it’s even taking over Photoshop. Our eyes are all watery and the tears do spill; But we can make them go away with generative fill. The idea of AI photography is one I have to veto; AI may be art but it is not a photo! Call me old fashioned, call me a fool; I’ll stick to making photos in a way that’s old school. Although AI gives images that really shine; I’ll make my photos as always, ‘cuz I can call them mine. Whether to use AI you can decide for yourself; But I'm perfectly capable of making bad photos all by myself.
So, St. Click there is one thing you can bring on this cold winter night; Something money can’t buy; just a few minutes of really good light. But St. Click if your really insist; A Hasselblad X2D, I would not resist. He looked at me closely and let out a big sigh; It's not the gear that matters; it's how good is your eye. His smile was warm but his eyes were all red; He stayed up all night editing instead of going to bed, And with a bag full of gear, he had yet to wrap; Muttering “Where did I put that g%^ d#$% lens cap”, The presents were scattered, but he hadn’t a care; He just cleaned it up, with content-aware, Laying out the presents he said not a word; Composing them of course to the rule of thirds. And although you didn’t get that new camera or lens; At least this year you can celebrate with family and friends. Don’t let the lack of shiny new things make you pout; Because being with family this year is really what it’s all about. I thanked him for this and wished him good cheer; The lesson he taught me will last me all year. Soon I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight— “Happy Christmas to all, and to all Good Light!”