
Trees are wondrous creations. They are so integral and intertwined with our lives that we often take them for granted. But we shouldn’t. Trees provide us sustenance with their fruits and nuts. Their shade comforts us. They entertain us by allowing us to climb them, build playhouses amongst their branches and to attach swings. We find solace just sitting under a tree and enjoying the day. Trees have also advanced science (think Newton) and inspired poets (think Kilmer). They come in all shapes and sizes. Each one is a new experience to enjoy. Even in death, trees hold our fascination. We are mesmerized by their shapes and textures nakedly displayed for us.
As a result of all this, trees make wonderful photography subjects. I have been tied up recently preparing for a workshop I’ll be giving for my local photography club. While searching through my archive of photos I was surprised how often my photos contained trees either as the subject or an essential part of the composition. It was a lot more than I would have guessed and I expect the same is true for you.
Tree Photos
Not too long ago, I went on a road trip with a few friends. They went to photograph birds; I went for landscapes. Looking back on it, my two newest BFF du jour photos were all about tangled live oak trees and not grand sweeping landscapes. I won’t re-post them here but you can take a look in the road trip post.
So, here are a few of my other favorite tree images.
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What is it about trees that makes you want to photograph them? I’d love to hear your comments and feedback. Please leave a comment in the comment box below.