When The Vast Landscape Shot Isn’t Possible

When The Vast Landscape Shot Isn’t Possible

The vast landscape is typically what first comes to mind when we think of landscape photography. It’s the view of mountain ranges, wide-open plains, canyon views that pull you in, and seascapes of the beaches and cliffs with the waves crashing in. It’s a sweeping and majestic view the captures our imagination and our attention….

Sea Stack At Low Tide

Sea Stacks

Sea stacks are well, simply amazing. At least, that’s how I felt upon seeing them for the first time during a trip to Olympic National Park. A sea stack is a geological landform consisting of a steep and often vertical column or columns of rock in the sea near a coast. Some are quite large…

Tree At New Horseshoe Lake


Trees are wondrous creations. They are so integral and intertwined with our lives that we often take them for granted. But we shouldn’t. Trees provide us sustenance with their fruits and nuts. Their shade comforts us. They entertain us by allowing us to climb them, build playhouses amongst their branches and to attach swings. We…

Rockport Road Trip

Rockport Road Trip

A Rockport road trip is just what I needed. With two knees surgeries and horrible weather patterns, last year just didn’t work for a photography road trip. I love photo road trips; they’re good for the soul. It’s getting away from home, your routine, and your cell phone. More importantly, just spending time doing photography…

closed canyon big bend

Big Bend

The Big Bend area is one of my favorite places in Texas. This is the area north of the prominent bend in the Rio Grande where the course changes from running east-southeast to north-northeast. Within this area you’ll find Big Bend National Park [BBNP] (801,163 acres) and Big Bend Ranch State Park [BBRSP] (300,000 acres). In…