“Give Them Something To Think About”

“Give Them Something To Think About”

If we want to engage people with our photography we need to “Give them something to think about”. It means we want them to feel something; good or bad. We want them to have an emotional reaction. That’s what I’ve always believed is the purpose of art. For me, this is true for photography as…

KISS More Often

KISS More Often

We should all KISS more often, don’t you think? After all, who doesn’t like a good kiss? Wait a minute! Get your mind out of the gutter, that’s not what I mean. I’m referring to the acronym KISS; the famous KISS principle.  The acronym stands for “Keep it simple, stupid“. It tells us we should…

Altered Reality Photography- Stimulate Your Creativity

Altered Reality Photography- Stimulate Your Creativity

I recently led a photo deconstruction discussion about altered reality photography at one of the local camera clubs. It got me thinking about how altered reality photography can make you more creative in all of your photography efforts. This creativity boost clearly comes from trying new things but more importantly if comes from learning new…

Road Trip

Road Trip

I haven’t posted in quite a while as my wife and I were on a 12 day, 3,800 mile road trip. The road trip took us from Houston up to Minnesota then over to stops in Wisconsin before going to Ohio and then back home to Texas. It was a long road trip to visit…